- We Value Biblical Success.

We believe that "Success Begins on Sunday"

You must be born-again. (John 3:7)

You need to be spirit-filled. (Acts 1:8)

You need to know the true secrets of success. (Deut. 29:29, Luke 6:38)

· We Value Unity.

Every believer must be in a local church to  experience a fruitful, fulfilling and successful life. (Ps. 92:12-15)

· We Value the Word of God.

The Bible is the key to knowing and doing God's will. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

· We Value Prayer

Nothing should be done without prayer.

· We Value Spiritual Authority

A proper understanding of Spiritual Authority is essential for true effective Christianity.

· We Value Biblical Prosperity

True financial prosperity comes through hard work and faithful giving.

· We Value Relationships

We will positively change our world as we   invite people into our lives, our church and our walk with God.

· We Value Positive Attitude

A good attitude is more important than       aptitude, talent or calling. Your attitude will determine your altitude or level of influence.

· We Value Excellence

Personal Growth and Development is the   secret of a quality filled Christian life.

· We Value Servant Leadership

All Christians of all ages are called to be leaders and serve God in all places at all times.

· We Value Honor

To honor God and to honor one another.

· We Value Creativity and Innovation

Effectiveness is more important than tradition, therefore, we readily embrace change.